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    Q: How can I track my shipment? 
    A: You can track your shipment by using the tracking number you receive via the shipping confirmation.

    Q: How long will it take for my order to arrive? 
    A: The delivery method you choose will determine the length of time it will take the shipment to reach its final destination once it is shipped from our warehouse. You will receive a tracking number via e-mail confirming that your order has been shipped. All products are shipped from Gilbert, Arizona.

    Q: Where do orders ship from? 
    A: All products are shipped from Gilbert, Arizona.

    Q: How are shipping rates calculated? 
    A: All shipping rates are calculated via UPS, FedEx or USPS.

    Q: Which carrier will deliver my package? 
    A: Most deliveries are handled by UPS, FedEx or USPS will sometimes be used depending on the final destination.

    Q: If my products are damaged/missing upon delivery, whom should I contact? 
    A: For any damages or missing products, please contact us at 480-269-7542 and leave a detailed voicemail, or Text Us at 480-485-4413 (8 AM - 8 PM) Mon- Fri or email us at